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Our new play is Wild East by April de Angelis – opening March 2nd!

What do you do with a degree in Anthropology? Doctor Jacqueline Pitt found the answer to the question some years ago, and has been working in anthropologist’s hell since then. She draws on her wealth of experience and knowledge of the human condition, and creates marketing campaigns for yoghurt producers. As you do.
It’s Friday evening and she’s back in the office for the first time in weeks. There’s an interview with a new candidate tonight, Frank, a wet-behind-the-ears type who at least shows promise on paper. He might bring the new ideas – but he might also be her replacement. There’s something different about this office this evening, some tension in the air-conditioned air. Some dark and ancient feelings are telling her to be on guard, and an anthropologist knows to trust their feelings.

ETL presents “Wild East” by April De Angelis, a short play about humanity, and capitalism, and how they clash.

Show dates: March 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th, 11th, Neues Schauspiel Leipzig.

Book you ticket HERE